After praying at a temple or shrine,head over to the shrine office,
we can get the Goshuin to proof that we have been to that place.
It bears a scarlet stamp over which the name of the temple or shrine
is written with a brush and ink and then the date of the visit is also written on it.
Only a Buddhist monk or Shinto pries write and stamp it.
In the olden days, only those people who had copied out
a Buddhist Sutra and brought it to the temple or shrine could receive
the stamp as proof of their offering.
Goshuin-cho is a book for collecting the Goshuin.
Quite a lot of people keep their goshuin-cho at a household Shinto alter or a Buddhist alter in Japan.
The scarlet stamps coupled with the beautiful brush strokes Calligraphy are very attractive.
You can get the Goshuin-cho at the shrine office.
To collect Goshuin from temples and shrines you visit will be a nice souvenir and a good memory for your touring.